A terme, le site devrait être disponible en deux versions, française et anglaise, mais en attendant on se contentera de l'anglais.
To inaugurate this blog, I present you the first researches for a character of the Sigh-Wind, named Dresd. His appearence is usualy half-human half-falcon, even if he is not like the dominent people of the Enkoren World, the Oisels.
He looks like a bird-man, an Oisel, but he is a Demon, able to change his form to an animal-spirit form. Demons are persecuted by oisels who fear their great magic powers and their well-known greed.
In his beast form, Dresd looks more like a monster than the hawk represented here. However, he often wears a hood when his master wants him to be calm and obediant. He’s not able to control his wrath when he becomes a beast.
Dresd is owned by the king of El Afard, who uses him to hunt and kill anyone dare to resist to the power of the Afardi. He will fight against Sion, the principal character of this story.
Next time I’ll design him with real clothes and let you see his face without this stupid hood-thing. He is not as cute as when he was a child anymore. And I’ll present you the main characters of the Sigh-Wind, with a real description of this project.
In a few words, it’s a video game project, happening in a fantasy world, where all the people living in are birds-men -Oisels- who lost there wings in ancient times. They try to find other ways to reconquer the sky, developping technology without realising they are destroying their land to reach the heaven…